Monday, January 9, 2012

lets say

on this date, i have recorded these:
29cm right=left
91cm stom area
26.5cm right, 26.4cm left
57cm left thigh, 57.5cm right thigh
36.6cm neck

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


rm900.. huiyo.. boleh ja bayar sikit2, tapi saja tak mau bayar lagi.. nanti la.. kalau aku bayar dah tak ada chance la nak jumpa pemberi hutang tu.. haha.. merapu..

rm80.. lagi la mudah, tapi disebabkan baru start sem, banyak nak pakai duit, tak bagi lagi.. nak kena bagi ni..

rm20.. beli jersi tak reti2 nak bayar cepat2.. kan dah susah nak bayar balik.. tuan dia ntah kat mana sekarang nih.. segan dah nak bagi.. cadang nak topap ja kat dia tu, tapi masalahnya, dia pakai line.. hehe.. tapi kena cari cara gak.. jenuh nak cari dia nanti kat padang mahsyar..

huhu.. the bottom line is, i will pay you guys, but give me some time to figure out how.. tak mintak pun korang halalkan, cuma nak sikit lagi masa..

nanti ek...!!

Monday, June 20, 2011


thank you... very much..!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

life's a gift

when frustration comes visit us, we tend to value life less... we think that we are the most unfortunate being ever walked the earth... we forget, that we are unique... that we are actually being tested to build a stronger heart.. a heart that can content all the amusing or the sad things that kind enough to pay us some visits.. i thank them very much, as they come to me, the mend my aching heart.. positively, when they come, they'd bring happiness.. but when they come as an unpleasant guests, they make me stronger..